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5 min read
Wtf is meditation? Why it is key.
Everyone keeps saying, meditate, meditate, meditate... wtf is meditation?
Why does everyone seem to agree it's completely necessary...
2 min read
Who they are choosing to be or who they are?
Should we accept people by who they are choosing to be or who they are?
5 min read
Why do we try to validate our experience with other people?
I've come to realize that a big portion of our self-worth is commonly tied to the opinions of others.
4 min read
What if people could hear your thoughts?
About them sure, but about you too.
What are you constantly thinking about? Telling yourself? In what frequency do you keep your thoughts?
5 min read
Who did you come here to be?
Dig deeper into your journey, get to know yourself and who you came here to be, the key of the universe lies within.
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