Why do we care so much about eVErY sINgLe tHInG?

What is this belief that people are watching your every move?
Your every word, action, or decision?
Who are you trying to please?
Who is people??
Who is everyone???
This concept of “people” is an illusion because NO ONE IS LOOKING @u because they’re too damn busy looking at themselves!!!!!!!!
Every day, all day.
Like you, overthinking about that interaction you had last weekend or that situation 3 years ago, or what will happen if you make that move- like you, everyone is too inside their minds about themselves 24/7––(sub)consciously.
No one is thinking about you but you.
And if they are—you wouldn’t even know. EVER.
So why would you give a f*ck about anything other than you?
Why would you care about what other people think say or do?
As you, everyone is their own universe trying to figure out what the f*ck to do with their own time.
No one is you, no one will ever truly wholly know you–– but yourself.
No one will ever know all you feel/think/believe because you’re just simply unique- no one will ever understand because no one will ever live the life you experienced and as such could never begin to understand what you mean, how you feel, or why you see the world as you do.
As such, why would you even care?
It's like everyone has their own realities, their own mental pictures of how things are–– based on how they see the world––> based on their own experiences and learnings.
For example, my mental picture of a sunset is completely different than yours, which one is correct? both.
No one is better than anyone, and there is no single reality.
Stop giving a f*ck about what other people say to you or about you–– let them.
Stop giving a f*ck about people who come from a place of hurt, envy, or ego–– let them.
Stop giving a f*ck about people’s opinions and limiting beliefs, they are who they are because of how they’ve lived–– let them.
Stop giving a f*ck about what other people say about your life/work, they will never understand because they are not living your life–– let them.
Stop giving a f*ck about what other people say about what you choose to do with your life, your passions are your own for a reason unique to you–– let them.
Stop giving a f*ck about not doing what “everyone” is doing, you are unique and what worked for others will not work for you too, have your own path–– let them.
Stop giving a f*ck about pleasing other people,
stop looking for outside validation,
focus on inner validation––
pleasing yourself every breathing moment.
Stop giving a f*ck about working and creating for other people––
why would you create for others when you can create for yourself?
Stop caring about what others think, you will never know.
Stop giving a f*ck about the right way to do stuff, there is NO right way to do absolutely anything. The only constant is change.
Stop giving a f*ck about what others are doing, no one knows what the fuck they’re doing— let them.
Stop giving a fu*k about people—give a f*ck about yourself first, and then you can choose wisely to give a f*ck about the right people.
6 fears that prevent you from reaching your full potential | Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
Fear of poverty
Fear of criticism
Fear of loss of love
Fear of ill-health
Fear of old age
Fear of death
Here I’m talking about fear of criticism— people get so caught up in what others might think that they stop themselves from being, saying, or doing what they actually want.

I genuinely believe we came to this world to remember who the fuck we are- to do that you gotta first be who you’re not so you remember/realize who you actually are.
Life is about finding yourself, who you are, what you like, what you don’t, where your heart & passion lie... all to create a life for you.
That’s why it’s so important to know who you are, because if you don’t- who are you creating this life for???
I realized I had to go back to myself — when I was a kid.
Who was I before everyone told me who I should be?
What did I like to do?
What were my dreams?
How did I act?
What did I say?
Who was I before I forgot? (because social beliefs invaded my mind)
I’ve discovered I had to go back to her to be able to remember me.
At least a part of me.
As I’m in the process of remembering and finding myself, I find freedom & peace in understanding I should simply, strongly not give a f*ck.
Not give a f*ck about what other people think/say/do in both their lives and in relationship to me.
Everything has changed and yet, I am more myself than ever. I am in the process of changing me (now self) by remembering me (past self) and imagining me (future self).
Your thoughts reflect your beliefs that shape your behavior and thus, your reality.
Everyone’s beliefs are dependent on their environment and what they experienced/learned in childhood— till now.
Beliefs are constantly changing, merging, and dissolving dependent on the different inputs/experiences in your life.
Take care of what you think/believe in. That will dictate your behavior— experience— reality.
This is exactly what my latest project is about––