Published | Oct 30, 2024 | For That Shop New York

Should we accept people by who they are choosing to be or who they are?
Everyone is love
... right? Right. I know it. But, there is a but.
In an ideal world, there would be no buts, and I know someday it will be.
Today tho, now, everything is love but-
There is no education on what the f*** we are doing here, yourself or love.
Without knowledge, people act by pain, ego, and mind.
So I wonder, should we accept people by who they are choosing to be or who they are?
By this, I mean who they are choosing to be every day (maybe dominated by past unconscious trauma, pain/ego/mind) or who they are (love).
I see us as little kids...we don't know better... until we do. But, in the end, you still believe in the goodness of the kid and this unexplainable feeling of love above actions. The kid doesn't know better; the kid is good by nature.
What if we still, as "grown" people, don't know better?
When did we stop being good by nature?
Why do we judge our growth in years? (time is an illusion, just sayin')
Why are we so hard on each other, and especially ourselves?
Why don't we give each other the same compassion as kids... maybe then we'll be able to actually grow and act consciously.
Ends with:
"What is more genius than a child's laughter
Are we not simply the children of this world?"
My realization
Your external reality is a reflection of your inner reality.
Now, if someone's external reality is f*cked, although they are love -fact-, the reality is they are choosing (most likely unconsciously) to be dominated by pain/mind/ego.
As such, as their reality is not love (at the moment, hopefully, they do grow and find it), we must accept them for who they are choosing to be now.
Who they are choosing to be now is what constitutes reality at the present moment (everything there is). If they choose love tomorrow, then tomorrow you will accept them for who they are then, that will be now-then.
In summary, accept people for who they are choosing to be, but be compassionate in knowing you know who they truly are and hope they find themselves. Accepting people by anything other than who they are choosing to be will prove disappointing and unnecessary, engaging in a fake reality.
Forgive people for not knowing better and doing the best with the tools they had at that moment.
^also applies to yourself.
Remain conscious, remain present. Accept now without any doubt.